25 powerful Gary Vee Quotes that will inspire you

25 powerful Gary Vee Quotes that will inspire you

Gary Vaynerchuk, otherwise known online as Gary Vee, is an innovative entrepreneur, a serial content creator, and someone I look to for wisdom on a daily basis.

One thing I admire about Gary Vee is his ability to always be on the cutting edge of what’s popular within the business world.

He’s not afraid to say what he believes.

You can guarantee a Gary Vee talk will be real, raw, and straight to the point. Just what you need to hear when you’re in need of motivation.

Below is a list of what I think are 25 of his all-time greatest quotes, which I guarantee will inspire you.

25 powerful Gary Vee quotes that will inspire you;
  1. “Skills are cheap. Passion is priceless.”
  2. “Do the work. Everyone wants to be successful, but nobody wants to do the work.”
  3. “You didn’t grow up driving… You figured it out.”
  4. “I hate how many people think “the glass is half-empty” when their glass is really four-fifths full. I’m grateful when I have one drop in the glass because I know exactly what to do with it.”
  5. “Whether you’re 9 or 90, stop trying to fix the things you’re bad at and focus on the things you’re good at.”
  6. “It’s easy to dream about it, but much harder to execute it”
  7. “Time is the one asset none of us are ever going to get more of.”
  8. “Figure out who you are, optimise who you are, but never apologise for who you are…ever.”
  9. “Without hustle, your talent will only get you so far.”
  10. “Stop hanging around people who don’t want to win.”
  11. “Being underestimated is the ultimate stimulant.”
  12. “The way to become good at it is to do it.”
  13. “If people spent as much time working on their craft as they did convincing people where they were going, they’d be much further along.”
  14. “You’re not lost, you’re just early in the process.”
  15. “If 1 out of 15 of your ideas succeeds, that’s better than 99% of your friends who never start a single idea.”
  16. “If you have ambition, your actions have to match that, and too many people are just not putting in the work.”
  17. “Fear kills growth.”
  18. “Complaining is a zero return investment.”
  19. “Patience is the path to your ambitions.”
  20. “What you listen to and who you listen to is what you become.”
  21. “The biggest asset in the world is your mindset.”
  22. “I don’t want the money; I want the freedom.”
  23. “Don’t waste energy… Focus on what you can control, not what you wish you could control.”
  24. “You’re not lazy; you just don’t love what you do.”
  25. “If you don’t give a f*ck about what people think, you can do everything.”

There you have it. 25 INCREDIBLE QUOTES.

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Which of the Gary Vee quotes was your favourite? Let me know in the comments below.

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