Digital Marketing

A Day In The Life Of A Social Media Marketer

Hey Guys,

A month after I started my Digital Marketing Apprenticeship, back in August, I let you all in on how it was going, and it made people tell me in the comments and via Social Media how they were interested in this as a job also.

So, I thought I would show you a better view of my job so you know what the day to day workings of a Digital Marketer consists of, especially that of a Social Media and Content Marketer.

The only problem is, this is an ever changing career and no two days are ever going to be the same, so this is an overview of what one day could look like, so don’t think this is all that is involved.


Make it to the office and get straight into my work, or at least I would like to think I do.

What actually happens is, I will get in, turn on my computer, have a quick catch up with my colleagues and put the kettle on as well as start the coffee for the guys, because I am obviously a team player.

Then I will go on to check all of the emails I have received, including notifications from other team members for tasks I am working on to see where we are currently with certain projects.


The first part of my working morning is dedicated specifically to the Twitter accounts I manage for our Clients.

For this, I use Crowdfire in order to increase the following of each account as well as to determine which content, blog posts or industry related articles to push to the individual audiences available and built as a means of retaining interest on the platform.


Once this is done I move onto checking each of the Clients Social Media accounts more in depth, by checking notifications and posting content for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google +, Instagram and Pinterest.

For each Client there is a set tone of voice, audience type, business goals as well as objectives, so when posting on these accounts, I have to ensure that the content is varied and fits the platform dependent on whom I am doing work for at that time.

To do this, I go through what is trending on that day or that week and try and flip it for the different industries and how to best sell the products or services being pushed by the Business.


In the two hours before I go out for my break, I like to go over any tasks which may have been brought to my attention by our team and need to be completed. This gives me the opportunity to get any urgent tasks out of the way.

If this isn’t the case, I will go over the ECommerce platforms and check the listings for products, and go over to the Ads created for promotions and see how they are performing using the data provided. I can then begin to improve or freshen up the Ads to make for more of a productive and effective promotion.


Although my lunch period technically begins at 13:00pm, I don’t usually leave until 14:00pm, because of trying to keep up with tasks before going, but also because I feel it splits up the afternoon better.

During this time, I head around the corner to the Cafe I volunteer at on Saturday’s for my lunch. How convenient, right?

Sometimes though, mainly on a Thursday, I will join my colleagues for what we call, ‘Church Food’, which is just normal food, but it comes from a Church that Tim, our designer, goes to.


When I return from my lunch, I will put on the kettle once again, then get in to writing a Blog post or article for a Clients Website or go on to scheduling Social Media Posts for the coming weeks.

Both of these require research to be done for trends and keywords to be integrated within the Content.

To instigate this further, I also like to check the insights to check how posts are performing and what is working and what isn’t. This will then allow me to get an idea of what should be continued with for the content strategy in the future.


In the last half an hour of the day I will go over the tasks from the day, reply to any outstanding comments left by colleagues, make sure all emails and any messages on Social Media pages have been answered.


The day is over and I can now head home, relax and prepare for the next day when I get to do it all over again!

And there you have it, one day in the life of a Social Media Marketer.

If you’d like to find out any more information, please do get in touch as I would love to help in any way I can and let you know anything you want to know!

Anyway, see you all soon and hope you all had a great Easter Weekend,

Chloe Lauren x


My First Month As A Digital Marketing Apprentice!

Are YouA Blogger_(5)

Hey Guys,

As of yesterday, I have officially made it through my first month as a Digital Marketing Apprentice.

It’s crazy to think about. I’m just sitting here, wondering where the time has gone? It feels like just yesterday I was telling you all about getting the interview and being told I had the job.

In a matter of weeks my life has turned a full 360 degrees, from what felt like endless months of dead ends to landing the job I had been hoping for, in a company where I am able to grow and progress.

So, in honor of this, and because I know some people were interested in finding out, I decided it would be a great idea to share with you how this first month went and what I have been doing in my apprenticeship up to yet.


The First Day:

I remember the first day, and all of the preparation I did for it, searching across the internet for hours for tips and how other peoples first days went on the same apprenticeship. I even took to Twitter, and messaging people who were currently on apprenticeships for support and reassurance (Thanks for the positivity and thoughts by the way, you all really helped). I felt I really needed it.

However, it turned out I had been overthinking it all too much. I really shouldn’t have worried as much as I did. Everyone was so nice and understanding towards me when it came to any questions I had, and thankfully the marketing team, although only small, are so amazing and extremely helpful, especially the Marketing Executive at our office who I work with the most at the office.

In terms of actual work, my first day mainly consisted of initial training, checking over what project I would mainly be working on, as well as providing some content suggestions. It was absolutely great. I couldn’t stop smiling when I got home, I actually felt as though I had achieved something in only one day.

Awesome Things About The Apprenticeship So Far:

  • I have picked up so many valuable skills already
  • Have faced my fear of answering the phone head on
  • Faced my fear of going being in a city on my own
  • Get to write blog posts for other people and have some scheduled for upload soon
  • Been to several meetings, both in person and to our team in India using Skype
  • Had some of my content ideas used on websites
  • Worked on Social Media, including platforms I have never used before
  • Using Hootsuite to schedule Tweets and Facebook posts
  • Looked into Promotional Ads for Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin

Going To The Apprenticeship Company For the First Time:

The Apprenticeship itself is the Level 3 Digital Marketer, which I am going to be doing through 3aaas, and unlike some Apprenticeship companies where you attend once a week, I will only have to be there once or twice a month.

I was invited to go down to the office the other day for my official enrollment onto the course.

The evening before was quite the nightmare for me, because the idea of going to a big city and being there on my own was terrifying to me, but thanks to support from my parents I was able to get through it.

Again, it wasn’t as bad as I made it out to be.

Whilst there I ended up getting some more information about what I would be doing as well as having to sing a LOT of paperwork and complete a few initial assessments to check where I am right now with my Maths, English and IT, and what might need working on, which thankfully isn’t much. It was very beneficial and even though the assessments dragged a little, I was just glad I pushed myself to go regardless of how I felt.

I’m looking forward to going there again soon!

Anyway, the last few weeks have been absolutely amazing and although there have been a few bad moments where I have felt like I let myself down and made some silly errors, I had to remain positive and keep my head held high, keep going, because hey, we all make mistakes and I am there to learn not to just automatically know it all!

Overall, it has been a great experience so far, the best part being, I am doing what I love, content writing and working with blogs/websites. I am excited to see what is next!

Chloe Lauren x
