Digital Marketing

Why you need to channel GaryVee and go full in with Content!

It’s time to hustle, GaryVee style!

This is where Gary might open with the F word, but I’m not as cool as that so I will just say, in this blog post, I will cover why you really should be giving 110% to your Content Marketing efforts in 2020.

So let’s F*CKING go! Oh maybe I am that cool.

But first to get a better understanding. What exactly is Content Marketing?

The concept of Content Marketing is the idea of creating and distributing valuable pieces of content, whether that be written, visual or auditory, to capture and maintain a targeted audience base.

These pieces are posted online, usually in the form of Social Media posts, YouTube videos, and even blogs just like this one you are reading now, to name but a few.

As a Digital Marketer specialising in content marketing (just throwing that out there), I love learning about and getting to use the new ways of sharing and making content, that is coming on the scene all the time.

I find it exciting!

A platform I am yet to get to grips with though is TikTok. That platform is soaring in popularity and is growing at an exponential rate, especially right now with everything going on around us in the world. People have managed to find a real solace in this video making app.

But one thing is for sure, it is becoming more apparent that this marketing discipline is continuing to grow and becoming a rising superstar which you would be crazy to not utilise to its full capacity.

And you know what? I’m about to tell you why.

So why is Content Marketing so important for your business and/or brand?

When building a business or brand online, it is imperative to remain completely transparent and real with the audience you desire to grow and maintain.

People want to deal with people. Plain and simple.

It helps with building a real trust and rapport between you and your audience.

If you haven’t already, it’s time to pull that barrier down.

The best part is, it’s never been easier to do just that. The possibilities have truly become endless.

Different platforms are providing you with a real means and methodology to reach your desired audience in a way which is accessible on a much wider scale and puts all power and control back in your hands.

Some platforms, such as Twitter and LinkedIn, at the moment have a fantastic organic reach, which means you can touch base with more people with your content quicker and without even having to break the bank.

If that isn’t motivation to send out content, I don’t know what is!

Now is the time to do so.

Whether your business is corporate or prides itself on being personable, one thing is to be sure, there is a content strategy to fit.

So, where does Gary Vaynerchuk come into this?

Gary Vaynerchuk, otherwise known as GaryVee, is one of my inspirations. A true hero for me if you will. When it comes to content, he is the one to look to for guidance.

The man is the head of several major companies, making his original mark through the use of Social Media to boost his families wine business.

With his daily videos, groundbreaking podcast, and very enthusiastic approach to Social Media, the guy has pretty much worked out how best to handle the social scene so you remain at the forefront of everyone’s minds.

Something which continues to intrigue, is the idea of the $1.80 method. This concept is put into practice when information is shared via a post, maybe with a question to go alongside it, and your audience then provides an answer or an opinion, otherwise known as leaving their 2 cents.

Obviously I know not everyone here is American. I’m definitly not. But the idea shows a two sided work effort, with the idea that you the creator give more to the audience, than the audience gives back to you.

Brilliant, don’t you think? Definitely something to keep in mind.

Finally, if at first a strategy doesn’t work, don’t give up and be disheartened. Try and try again.

A tried and tested piece of advice – not every strategy is going to work for every brand.

It’s about finding what works for you. Just keep going with it.

Give more. Build that trust. Reap the benefits.

Ready to start creating? Let’s go!


The Ultimate Blogging Tool Every Blogger Should Know About!

Oranges have essential vitamin contents, antioxidants, protein, water percentage, and fiber. These are necessary minerals that help in keep the nutrients in your body balanced.(32)

Hey Guys,

Want to know a secret? Something which will enhance your Blog Marketing in a matter of minutes?

Sure you do!

You will be able to say goodbye to Content and Social Media Management struggles forever, because I have just for you, a solution which is going to completely rid you of that hindrance and make your life 100 times easier.

Now, doesn’t that sound inviting?

I know what you’re all thinking, what am I going on about and why am I seriously excited about this?

Firstly, I know how this probably looks, and no, this isn’t sponsored by the company, but hey, if after this they want to send some promotion this way, my emails are always open! Hint hint. Wink wink.

Let’s be honest though, that wouldn’t happen, but it’s a truly nice thought that I will hold dearly for the next five or so minutes!

The real reason for my excitement, is I know how beneficial this can be first hand. Since beginning my Apprenticeship, this was one of the first things I found out about and I can not stress enough how much of a help it has been when it comes to my work, so much so that I have brought it into my own blogging life.


So… What is this tool and why should you be using it?

Have you ever wondered what Content you should be pushing and when or who you should be following based on any of your shared interests with others?

Well… with CROWDFIRE, this get taken away.

Crowdfire is classed as a Social Media Management Tool and is easily accessible to you via the App or through any Web Browser. The best part is, it’s FREE and only takes five minutes out of your day.

Saying that we are awake for an average of 12 hours each day, that is virtually nothing.

In those five minutes, you are able to go through a selection of tasks, these include:

  • Showing you your most recent Blog Posts, and allowing you to choose a time and date to post each, as well as giving you the opportunity to edit the post before it goes out.
  • Showing you other posts by other Bloggers, which you can also share. Spread the love and help them grow too.
  • Options to connect other Social Media Platforms.
  • Adding or altering certain details to do with your Blog to help source Content and People who match what you talk about or are interested in.
  • Follow people who maybe follow other accounts like yours or who are talking about similar

There is also an option to unfollow those who don’t follow back or who are inactive/no longer use their accounts but this tends to be personal preference on whether you go for this or not. Don’t feel pressured to use this just because it is there.

I tend to use this to decide on which of my latest blog posts to share and to schedule them ahead of time, otherwise I do tend to forget due to being preoccupied in other areas.

Yeah, I am really that bad, but Crowdfire hit me up anyway!

If you want Social Media Management made easy. This is the place to go. Check out the Website/App now and make Blogging a walk in the park!

So, what do you think? Will you be using this tool? Not too sure?

Let me know!  

Chloe Lauren x




My First Month As A Digital Marketing Apprentice!

Are YouA Blogger_(5)

Hey Guys,

As of yesterday, I have officially made it through my first month as a Digital Marketing Apprentice.

It’s crazy to think about. I’m just sitting here, wondering where the time has gone? It feels like just yesterday I was telling you all about getting the interview and being told I had the job.

In a matter of weeks my life has turned a full 360 degrees, from what felt like endless months of dead ends to landing the job I had been hoping for, in a company where I am able to grow and progress.

So, in honor of this, and because I know some people were interested in finding out, I decided it would be a great idea to share with you how this first month went and what I have been doing in my apprenticeship up to yet.


The First Day:

I remember the first day, and all of the preparation I did for it, searching across the internet for hours for tips and how other peoples first days went on the same apprenticeship. I even took to Twitter, and messaging people who were currently on apprenticeships for support and reassurance (Thanks for the positivity and thoughts by the way, you all really helped). I felt I really needed it.

However, it turned out I had been overthinking it all too much. I really shouldn’t have worried as much as I did. Everyone was so nice and understanding towards me when it came to any questions I had, and thankfully the marketing team, although only small, are so amazing and extremely helpful, especially the Marketing Executive at our office who I work with the most at the office.

In terms of actual work, my first day mainly consisted of initial training, checking over what project I would mainly be working on, as well as providing some content suggestions. It was absolutely great. I couldn’t stop smiling when I got home, I actually felt as though I had achieved something in only one day.

Awesome Things About The Apprenticeship So Far:

  • I have picked up so many valuable skills already
  • Have faced my fear of answering the phone head on
  • Faced my fear of going being in a city on my own
  • Get to write blog posts for other people and have some scheduled for upload soon
  • Been to several meetings, both in person and to our team in India using Skype
  • Had some of my content ideas used on websites
  • Worked on Social Media, including platforms I have never used before
  • Using Hootsuite to schedule Tweets and Facebook posts
  • Looked into Promotional Ads for Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin

Going To The Apprenticeship Company For the First Time:

The Apprenticeship itself is the Level 3 Digital Marketer, which I am going to be doing through 3aaas, and unlike some Apprenticeship companies where you attend once a week, I will only have to be there once or twice a month.

I was invited to go down to the office the other day for my official enrollment onto the course.

The evening before was quite the nightmare for me, because the idea of going to a big city and being there on my own was terrifying to me, but thanks to support from my parents I was able to get through it.

Again, it wasn’t as bad as I made it out to be.

Whilst there I ended up getting some more information about what I would be doing as well as having to sing a LOT of paperwork and complete a few initial assessments to check where I am right now with my Maths, English and IT, and what might need working on, which thankfully isn’t much. It was very beneficial and even though the assessments dragged a little, I was just glad I pushed myself to go regardless of how I felt.

I’m looking forward to going there again soon!

Anyway, the last few weeks have been absolutely amazing and although there have been a few bad moments where I have felt like I let myself down and made some silly errors, I had to remain positive and keep my head held high, keep going, because hey, we all make mistakes and I am there to learn not to just automatically know it all!

Overall, it has been a great experience so far, the best part being, I am doing what I love, content writing and working with blogs/websites. I am excited to see what is next!

Chloe Lauren x
