
The Ultimate Blogging Tool Every Blogger Should Know About!

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Hey Guys,

Want to know a secret? Something which will enhance your Blog Marketing in a matter of minutes?

Sure you do!

You will be able to say goodbye to Content and Social Media Management struggles forever, because I have just for you, a solution which is going to completely rid you of that hindrance and make your life 100 times easier.

Now, doesn’t that sound inviting?

I know what you’re all thinking, what am I going on about and why am I seriously excited about this?

Firstly, I know how this probably looks, and no, this isn’t sponsored by the company, but hey, if after this they want to send some promotion this way, my emails are always open! Hint hint. Wink wink.

Let’s be honest though, that wouldn’t happen, but it’s a truly nice thought that I will hold dearly for the next five or so minutes!

The real reason for my excitement, is I know how beneficial this can be first hand. Since beginning my Apprenticeship, this was one of the first things I found out about and I can not stress enough how much of a help it has been when it comes to my work, so much so that I have brought it into my own blogging life.


So… What is this tool and why should you be using it?

Have you ever wondered what Content you should be pushing and when or who you should be following based on any of your shared interests with others?

Well… with CROWDFIRE, this get taken away.

Crowdfire is classed as a Social Media Management Tool and is easily accessible to you via the App or through any Web Browser. The best part is, it’s FREE and only takes five minutes out of your day.

Saying that we are awake for an average of 12 hours each day, that is virtually nothing.

In those five minutes, you are able to go through a selection of tasks, these include:

  • Showing you your most recent Blog Posts, and allowing you to choose a time and date to post each, as well as giving you the opportunity to edit the post before it goes out.
  • Showing you other posts by other Bloggers, which you can also share. Spread the love and help them grow too.
  • Options to connect other Social Media Platforms.
  • Adding or altering certain details to do with your Blog to help source Content and People who match what you talk about or are interested in.
  • Follow people who maybe follow other accounts like yours or who are talking about similar

There is also an option to unfollow those who don’t follow back or who are inactive/no longer use their accounts but this tends to be personal preference on whether you go for this or not. Don’t feel pressured to use this just because it is there.

I tend to use this to decide on which of my latest blog posts to share and to schedule them ahead of time, otherwise I do tend to forget due to being preoccupied in other areas.

Yeah, I am really that bad, but Crowdfire hit me up anyway!

If you want Social Media Management made easy. This is the place to go. Check out the Website/App now and make Blogging a walk in the park!

So, what do you think? Will you be using this tool? Not too sure?

Let me know!  

Chloe Lauren x


